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Source 44
In addition to our Quality Initiatives our organization is leading the
charge on developing and implementing a set of Sustainability Initiatives
vital to preserving resources for future generations. We have formed an
alliance with Source 44 to facilitate this process.
Source 44 the creator of Source Intelligence® delivers supply chain
intelligence and supplier data collection and analysis services that support
regulatory compliance, sustainability and social responsibility initiatives.
Experts at engaging suppliers and tracing supply chains, Source
Intelligence® combines advanced data analytics with powerful visual
reporting tools to help clients gain insight into operational efficiencies and
spot potential exposure to risks.
Our organization has developed a system to track the
sustainable attributes of our growers from year to year in the
following areas.
Environmental Stewardship
Workforce Efficiencies
Community Enhancement
We are actively utilizing this program information to develop process
improvements and best practices which provide our grower owners the
opportunity to increase their level of sustainable activities. These
programs increase our efficiency which allows us to use our precious
resources, namely environmental, human, and financial, in a more
responsible manner.
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